United States of Smash Slap

Facing off against the fearsome All for One, All Might knew he stood almost no chance, especially given his age and loss of power. Worn down, All Might realized the chance of victory, no, of saving the world, was null, as All for One prepared his ultimate combination of quirks. Still, All Might had to stand for what he believed, for his late master, for the people, and most of all for Deku. He was and had to be the peoples symbol of hope. Forcing a smile on himself, and putting the last of One for All within him within his right arm, "No Fear" he murmured.
- 6.5"x2.5"
- Japanese says "Without Fear"
- Vinyl die cut sticker with gloss finish :)
- Weather and water proof. UV protected for outdoor use!
- Perfect for cars, rear view mirrors ;), car interiors, laptops, phones/phone cases, gaming console, etc.